Sonntag, 29. April 2012

Imagine Cup - National results

Wow, I'm stunned: The national finals of this year's Imagine Cup are over and the winners are confirmed. My 3 KIT-teams really impressed the judges with their ideas. They got excellent feedback from the judges on their ideas, implementations and business cases. The jury consisted of selected representatives from Microsoft, Nokia, Avanade or other Microsoft partners.

But now for the results: The teams echo and lauffeuer (engl. wildfire) won rank 1 and 2 in the category "Windows Phone"! It's the first time that the first two positions go to the same chair
Congratulations, I'm very proud of you guys. You did a tremendous job! 
Ready - set - go for Sydney!


Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Microsoft Imagine Cup 2012 - Team Description

Hello everybody, just on the way to the national finals of the 2012 Imagine Cup in Berlin. I still got all 3 teams in the race. In my last post on the Imagine Cup I wrote on the boot camp which serves as a preparation, but I haven't mentioned the teams in order not to publish their ideas too soon. To catch up on that, here's a short team description in alphabetical order:

Team barfoos: Dementia is a growing problem in industrial countries so the western societies have to address this urgently. The necessity to help both affected and relatives is vital. With MakeYourDay we use modern technology to assist the ones affected at different levels and the relatives throughout their days.

Team echo: Communication consist of giving and receiving feedback. For hearing-impaired people these two things work in a reasonable manner using e-mail or text mesages, but in normal life? In a world that is full of sound? No chance. Or is it? Yes there is. Echo is the answer.
Team Lauffeuer (engl. wildfire): Who does not recall the impressions from the tsunami wave in Japan last year? For thousands, the time stood still because the wellbeing of realatives, parents or children was unknown. Why is that so? Our modern society heavily relies on communiction networks so without networks - no communication. Now, how should a parent search for his children in a situation where everything is demolished or broken? How should somebody send a message letting everyone know that he is fine? One simple answer: With wildfire

Montag, 2. April 2012

SRG is in action!

Hey there,

slight note from our newsticker:

From April 1st 2012 the first Shared Research Group (SRG) at the faculty of Informatics at the KIT takes up employment. As tool to fund research the SRG is part of the institution's strategy "Initiative for Excellence".

It was founded on November 11th 2011 with the involvement of Prof. Walter F. Tichy, Dipl.-Infom. Korbinian Molitorisz and Mr. Urs Gleim (Siemens Corporate Technology).

The goal of this research group is to drive forward the pattern-based application parallelization of existing software.


Sonntag, 1. April 2012

Microsoft Imagine Cup Bootcamp

Welcome back.

As I told you in this post I coach three teams in software engineering. I am invited to serve as mentor in the Imagine Cup Bootcamp. Last semester I coached three teams in software engineering and registered them at Microsoft's Imagine Cup.

Long story short - they all made it to the national finals. Now here at the Bootcamp all participants get a business plan coaching together with a technical consulting. The most important thing though might be the presentations training as this is not being taught at university - unfortunately. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the national finals in Berlin and I really hope that all of my teams get through to the final round in guys: Step on it!